Ethnic Technologies celebrates Dawn Treader School

September 28, 2023 - South Hackensack, NJ

Every year Ethnic Technologies takes pride in honoring Hispanic Heritage Month. This year Ethnic Technologies wants to celebrate the achievements of a local school, Dawn Treader, for their community growth and their appreciation of the Hispanic culture.

During September-October, Dawn Treader School will enjoy celebrations to highlight our large and growing Hispanic community.  Dawn Treader School, which is located in Paterson, NJ, has reached and exceeded a major milestone this year by enrolling over 100 students for the 2023-2024 school year.  The students will take part in celebrating Hispanic cultures by sharing culturally relevant music, presentations, poetry and more.

Parents in the Dawn Treader community will be bringing in foods that are specific to differing Hispanic cultures to help spread awareness of the vast Hispanic community.  Students will also wear culturally specific clothes and costumes to show pride in their communities.

Ethnic Technologies wants to continue to partner with Dawn Treader School as they celebrate their diverse community. 

Ethnic Technologies has worked to help people of all ethnic backgrounds and faiths for more than 25 years.


For more information about Dawn Treader School, please contact Charles Salinas at

For more information about Ethnic Technologies (E-Tech) please contact Karen Sinisi at or Amalia Tsiongas at